講演会 「Magnetic field effect at high temperature during solidification and annealing of Co-X near eutectic alloys」


Magnetic field effect at high temperature during solidification and annealing of Co-X near eutectic alloys

Prof. Eric Beaugnon (Universite Joseph Fourier and CNRS-LNCMI)

日時 2012年11月9日(金) 16:00-17:00
場所 信州大学理学部リフレッシュラウンジ(松本キャンパス理学部A棟2F)松本市旭3-1-1
主催 信州大学理学部化学科
参加 自由


Solid state annealing and solidification after undercooling of Co-X eutectic alloys is studied under high magnetic field. As the cobalt phase has a high Curie temperature, solidification temperature or annealing temperature are below or close to the ferromagnetic transition, leading to strong magnetic interactions. In the case of solid state annealing, a preferential growth along the field direction is observed. A model based on local magnetic forces is discussed. In the case of solidification, effect of the magnetic field on the recalescence temperature is observed, depending on the exact cobalt amount of the near-eutectic alloy.