
・Oota, K., Ishizawa, T, and Hoyanagi, K., 2017, Formation processes of tsunami deposits following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake in the estuary of Odaka District, Minamisoma City, Fuku-shima Prefecture, northeast Japan. Journal of Sedimentological Society of Japan,  76, 3-16

・太田勝一,嵯峨山 積,乾 哲也,保柳康一,2017,北海道厚真川を遡上した2011年東北沖地震津波による堆積物の形成過程および津波波形との対応,地質学雑誌,123, 551–566.


・関めぐみ,保柳康一,2015,  北部フォッサマグナ新第三系の斜面前進過程と堆積シーケンス,地質学雑誌,121,279-292.


・Hoyanagi, K., Kawagata, S., Koto, S., Kamihashi, T., Ikehara, M., 2014, Data report: Oxygen and stable carbon isotope ratios of foraminifera Nonionella flemingi and their application for age model in the upper 550 m of Hole U1352B, offshore New Zealand, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 317, doi: 10.2204/iodp.proc.317.208.

・保柳康一,中村めぐみ,山田 桂,2014,地層形成と海水準変動:IODP, 317次航海,ニュージーランド南島カンタベリー平野沖陸棚・斜面掘削,月刊地球号外64-65,104-110.

・Ikehara, K., Itaki, T., Tuzuino, T. and Hoyanagi, K., 2014, Deep-sea turbidite evidence on their occurrence of large earthquakes off Shakotan Peninsula, northeastern Japan Sea, In Submarine Mass Movement and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Vol.37, 639-647.

·       Yuki Kobayashi, Megumi Nakamura, Megumi Seki and Koichi Hoyanagi,  Tide-influenced Pliocene and Pleistocene strata exposed along the Tahan-Chi River, in the Taoyuan Prefecture, northeastern Taiwan Island. Journal of sedimentological Society of Japan, 71, 2 (2012).

·       Mamiko Yoshida, Hirobumi Inoue, Koichi Hoyanagi (corresponding author), Yukio Yanagisawa, Masayuki Oishi and Hiroo Yoshida, High-resolution sequence stratigraphy in incised-valley system: Tatsunokuchi Formation, Northeast Japan. Journal of sedimentological Society of Japan, 70,63-79 (2011) .

·       Craig S. Fulthorpe, Koichi Hoyanagi, Peter Blum, and IODP Expedition 317 Scientists, IODP Expedition 317: Exploring the Record of Sea-Level Change Off New Zealand. Science Drilling, 12, 4-14 (2011)



·       日本地質学会編日本地方地質誌「北海道地方」(編集委員および分担執筆)執筆項目

 3.古第三紀石炭形成の地層群 3.1概説,3.4石狩炭田地域,3.6釧路炭田と北見地域,

 5.新第三紀の島弧会合部の地質体 5.3.4留萌-滝川地域,5.3.5天北-羽幌地域,5.3.6利尻島-礼文島-焼尻島-天売島地域,5.4.2白糠-津別地域.

·       Fulthorpe, C.S., Hoyanagi,K., Blum, P. and Expedition 317 Scientists, Canterbury Basin Sea Level. Proc. IODP, 317: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ iodp.proc.317 (2011)

·       Fulthorpe, C.S., Hoyanagi,K., Blum, P.  and Expedition 317 Scientists, 2010, Canterbury Basin Sea Level: Global and local controls on continental margin stratigraphy, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 Preliminary Report 133p. dio:10.2204/iodp.pr.317 (2010)
