International Conference


  1. 飯山 拓、西川恵子、音羽利郎、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”An ordered Water Molecular Structure in Carbon Micropores”、Carbon Conference ’95、アメリカ・サンディエゴ、1995.7、口頭.
  2. 飯山 拓、西川恵子、音羽利郎、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”Direct structure determination of CCl4 in carbon micropore by XRD”、Carbon Conference ’96、イギリス・ニューキャッスル、1996.7、ポスター.
  3. 飯山 拓、西川恵子、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”Structure of water molecules adsorbed in carbon nanospaces by in situ X-ray diffraction、Pacific Basin Workshop on Adsorption Science and Technology、木更津、1997.5、ポスター.
  4. 飯山 拓、西川恵子、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”A structural analysis of water-adsorbed activated carbons with X-ray diffraction、Carbon Conference ’97、アメリカ・ペンステート、1997.7、ポスター.
  5. 飯山 拓、西川恵子、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”Structural study on water adsorptivity of activated carbons with in situ X-ray techniques”、Carbon Conference ’98、東京、1998.11、口頭.
  6. 飯山 拓、類家正稔、鈴木孝臣、金子克美、”Adsorption mechanism of water on carbon micropore with in situ small angle X-ray scattering”、5th International Symposium on the Characterization of Porous Solids (COPS-V)、ドイツ・ハイデルベルク、1999.5、ポスター.
  7. 飯山 拓、尾関寿美男、金子克美、”Structural Analysis of Water Molecular Assembly in Hydrophobic Micropores Using with in situ Small Angle X-Ray Scattering”、International Conference on Colloid and Surface Science、東京、2000.11、口頭.
  8. 飯山 拓、小林淑恵、尾関寿美男、田邊靖博、安田榮一、”A Structural Analysis of Nano-graphitic Carbon with X-ray Diffraction”、International Sympowium on Nanocarbons、長野、2001.11、ポスター
  9. 飯山 拓、小林淑恵、尾関寿美男、金子克美、”In-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Cluster Formation in Carbon Micropores”、International Workshop POROUS MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, アメリカ・プリンストン、2003.6、口頭.
  10. 飯山 拓、小林淑恵、松本充司、中東義貴、尾関寿美男、 “Structural Study of CHCl3 Molecular Assemblies in the Micropore Using with X-ray Techniques”、8th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption、アメリカ・セドナ、2004.5、口頭.
  11. 飯山 拓、漆原貴史、中東義貴、尾関寿美男、”The direct determination of intermolecular structure of adsorbed phase using in situ XRD and reverse Monte Carlo method”、7th International Symposium on the Characteris of Porous Solids、フランス・エクスアンプロバンス、2005.5、口頭.
  12. 飯山 拓、漆原貴史、尾関寿美男、”The Direct Determination of Intermolecular Structure of Molecular Assemblies in a Nanospace Using in situ XRD and Reverse Monte Carlo Method”、8th Japan-Australia Colloid and Interface Science Gakkai、オーストラリア・テリガル、2005.11、口頭. [Keynote]
  13. 飯山 拓、漆原貴史、羽木孝輔、中東義貴、尾関寿美男、”Direct determination of intermolecular structure of adsorbed phase in micropore by using X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo method”、The 4th International TRI/Princeton Workshop, Characterization of Porous Materials: From Angstroms to Millimeters、アメリカ・プリンストン、2006.6、口頭.
  14. 飯山 拓、羽木孝輔、尾関寿美男、”Study of Phase Transition Phenomena in Nanospace by Reverse Monte Carlo Method”、Frontier Science and Technology of Nanoporous Systems 3、千葉、2007.1、口頭.
  15. 飯山 拓、松村祐宏、澤 義信、尾関寿美男、”Direct measurement of adsorption isobar: Temperature scanning adsorption technique”、 9th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption、イタリア・ナクソス、2007.5、口頭.
  16. 飯山 拓、羽木孝輔、浅見圭一、清水篤史、尾関寿美男、”Intermolecular structure and phase transition phenomena of 1-dimensional hydrogen bonding liquids in carbon micropores”、 9th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption、イタリア・ナクソス、2007.5、ポスター.
  17. 飯山 拓、尾関寿美男、”The Direct Determination of Intermolecular Structure of Pollutants in Micropore Using in situ X-Ray Diffraction”、5th International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution 2008、京都、2008.6、口頭. [Keynote]
  18. 飯山 拓、羽木孝輔、清家敦子、浅見圭一、清水篤史、尾関寿美男、”The Determination of Intermolecular Structure of Adsorbed Phase in the Micropore by X-ray techniques and Reverse Monte Carlo Method”、8th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids、イギリス・エジンバラ、2008.6、ポスター.
  19. 飯山 拓、二村竜祐、尾関寿美男、”X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo technique study of multi-component adsorption on carbon micropore”、Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials、千葉、2008.7、口頭. [Invited]
  20. Taku Iiyama, Fumika Fujisaki, Ryusuke Futamura, Atom Hamasaki, Sumio Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa and T. Ishigaki, “Hydrogen-Bonding Structure of Water Assemblies in Hydrophobic Space: Experimental Investigation by X-ray and Neutron Diffractions”, 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA10), 淡路, 2010. 5. 27, 口頭.
  21. F. Fujisaki, T. Iiyama, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “Hydrogen-Bonding Structure of Water Assemblies in Hydrophobic Space : Neutron and X-ray diffraction studies”, International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS2010), 幕張, 2010. 9. 21, 口頭.
  22. T. Iiyama, Y. Morita, T. Shigeoka, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, K. Nakamura, K. Nakai, “A New and Rapid Analysis Method of Porous Solids: Direct Measurement of Adsorption Isobar and Isostere”, International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS2010), 幕張, 2010. 9. 21, ポスター.
  23. T. Iiyama, F. Fujisaki, R. Futamura, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “The structure determination of water and multi-component molecular assembly in carbon micropore by X-ray and neutron diffractions”, The Second Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-base Nanoporous Materials: Adsorption and Energy (CBNM2010), 長野, 2010. 9. 25, 口頭.
  24. T. Iiyama, F. Fujisaki, R. Futamura, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “Structure of water molecular assemblies in carbon nanospace: Experimental investigation by X-ray and neutron diffractions”, 2010環太平洋国際化学会議(PACIFICHEM2010), ホノルル, 2010.12, ポスター.
  25. T. Iiyama, F. Fujisaki, R. Futamura, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “The structure determination of adsorbed phases in the carbon micropore by ND, XRD and RMC simulation”, 9th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (COPS9), ドイツ・ドレスデン, 2011. 6. 6, 口頭.
  26. T. Iiyama, F. Fujisaki, R. Futamura, A. Hamasaki, S. Ozeki, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “The structure determination of hydrogen bonding network in hydrophobic nanospace”, International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists, Conference (IACIS2012), 仙台, 2012. 5. 15, 口頭.
  27. T. Iiyama, T. Fujimori, R. Futamura, J. Segalini, E. Iwama, M. Fukano,T. Itoh, T. Ohba, H. Kanoh, S. Ozeki, M. Endo, P. Simon, K. Kaneko, “Intermolecular-Structure Change of Confined Organic Electrolytic Solution on Application of Electric Potential”, The Third Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials:Adsorption and Energy (CBNM-3), 長野, 2012. 5. 28, 口頭. [invited]
  28. T. Iiyama, “The Structure and behavior of water in confined hydrophobic spaces”, First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology (ISAWST-1), 名古屋, 2012. 11. 12, 口頭. [Invited]
  29. Taku Iiyama, “Structural Understanding of Water Confined in Hydrophobic Nanospace”, Water at Interface: New developments in physics, chemistry and biology (WATSURF2013), Les Houches, France, 2013. 4. 18, Oral. [Invited]
  30. Taku Iiyama, Ryusuke Futamura, Takaya Ota, Tomoki Kondo, Sumio Ozeki, Akinori Hoshikawa, Toru Ishigaki, “Phase Transition of Water in Hydrophobic Nanospaces: Structure Analysis by Neutron and X-ray Diffractions”, 11th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA11), Baltimore, USA, 2013. 5. 20, Oral.
  31. Taku Iiyama, Toshihiko Fujimori, Julie Segalini, Etsuro Iwama, Masafumi Fukano, Tsutomu Ito, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, Sumio Ozeki, Yury Gogotsi,  Patrice Simon, Katsumi Kaneko, “Intermolecular-structure of electrolytic solution in the carbon micropore”, 2013 International Conference on Advanced Capacitors, Osaka, 2013.5. 28, Oral. [Invited]
  32. T. Iiyama, M. Yoshimoto, H. Makino, T. Takagi, K. Nakai, S. Ozeki, “Structure determination of confined multi-component molecular systems by diffraction technique”, 10th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (COPS-X), スペイン・グラナダ, 2014. 5. 12, Oral.
  33. Takaya Ohta, Ryusuke Futamura, Taku Iiyama, “Applying the Diffraction Techniques and Reverse Monte Carlo Method to the Phase Transition of Water in Carbon Nanospaces”, The 4th symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials (CBNM-4), 長野, 2015.3.18, Oral.
  34. Taku Iiyama, “Determination of Intermolecular Structure of Water and Solutions Confined in Hydrophobic Nanospaces”, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2015), 名古屋, 2015.3.29, Oral. [Invited]
  35. Taku Iiyama, “Applying reverse Monte Carlo method for determination of Intermolecular Structure of Water and Solutions Confined in Hydrophobic Nanospaces”, 7th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST7), Xiamen, China, 2015.9.27, Oral. [Invited]
  36. T. Iiyama, R. Futamura, T. Ota, M. Yoshimoto, A. Hoshikawa, T. Ishigaki, “Investigation of intermolecular structures of water and solutions in confined spaces by reverse Monte Carlo method”, 12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA12), Friedrichshafen/Lake Constance, Germany, 2016. 5. 29, Poster.
  37. Taku Iiyama, Masatsugu Yoshimoto, Ryusuke Futamura, Toshiya Otomo and Sumio Ozeki, “Intermolecular Structure of Binary Mixture in Confined Spaces”, 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2016. 11. 14, Oral. [in Plenary Session]
  38. Taku Iiyama, Masatsugu Yoshimoto, Ryusuke Futamura, Toshiya Otomo and Sumio Ozeki, “Intermolecular Structure of Binary Mixture in Confined Spaces: by XRD, ND, and RMC”, 6th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-based Nanoporous Materials (CBNM2017), 長野, 2017.7.20, Oral. [Invited]
  39. M. Yoshimoto, T. Iiyama, T. Ota, R. Futamura, A. Hoshikawa, and T. Ishigaki, “Investigation of Phase Transition Phenomena of Spherical Molecules in Carbon Micropores by Diffraction Techniques”, 8th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-8), Sapporo, 2018. 9. 4, Poster.
  40. Hiroaki Iwashita, Masatsugu Yoshimoto, and Taku Iiyama, “Hydrogen Bonding Structure in Pseudo-1dimentional Confined Space”, Japan Adsorption 2019, Makuhari, 2019. 5. 22. Poster.
  41. Taku Iiyama, Masatsugu Yoshimoto, Takaya Ota, Ryusuke Futamura, Akinori Hoshikawa, Toru Ishigaki, “Changes in Rotational and Translational Motion Accompanying Phase Transition in Nanospaces”, Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA) 13, Carins/Australia, 2019. 5. 27. Poster.
  42. Seiichiro Ishii, Yuki Ishihara, Minoru Deguchi, Taro Uchida, Ryusuke Futamura, Taku Iiyama, “Controlling the adsorption properties by the physisorption”, Okinawa Colloids 2019, Okinawa, 2019. 11. 8, Oral.
  43. Yasuhiro Sugiyama, Ryusuke Futamura, Taku Iiyama, “Topological Cluster Structure of Water Confined in Hydrophobic Pores”, 7th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials (CBNM7), 2023.10.18, Nagano, Oral. [Invited]