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研究論文と著書 Theses&Books
(A) 研究論文・報告書
(B) 著書(単行本)

(A) 研究論文・報告書

(1) 2003; 塚原弘昭・吉田則夫・奥澤保・高松信樹・河合崇欣(2003),バイカル湖の湖底堆積物の掘削と孔内現場測定,月刊地球,号外42,8-13.

(2) 2003; 吉田則夫・塚原弘昭・奥澤保・G.Kalmychkov・V.Geletyi・佐野有司(2003),同位体比からみたバイカル湖ガスの起源,月刊地球,号外42,14-18.

(3) 2002; 塚原弘昭(2002),日本列島の広域起震応力区,月刊地球,25,302-309.

(4) 2002; 吉田則夫・奥澤保・塚原弘昭(2002),同位体比から見た松代群発地震地域の深部流体の起源,地震,207-216.

(5) 2002; 奥澤保・塚原弘昭(2002),松代群発地震地域に湧出する地下水の直下地震にともなう化学成分変化,温泉科学,51,147-163.

(6) 2002; Kenji Kashiwaya, Shinya Ochiai, Hioaki Tsukahara, Hideo Sakai, and Takayoshi Kawai, Some issues to be considered in establishing age models for the long Lake Baikal sediment records, Quaternary International, 95-96(2002), 205-207

(7) 2001; 池田隆司・塚原弘昭・小村健太朗(2001),日光・足尾での震源域掘削と応力状態,月刊地球号外34号,189-200.

(8) 2001; 新井崇史・塚原弘昭・森清寿郎・池田隆司・小村健太朗(2001),野島断層平林NIEDコア中のカルサイト脈の炭素・酸素同位体組成,防災科学技術研究所報告,61号237-243.

(9) 2001; 奥澤保・塚原弘昭 (2001),松代群発地震地域に湧出する深層地下水,地震53,241-253.

(10) 2001; Tsukahara,H., R. Ikeda, and K.Yamamoto (2001), In situ stress measurements around 1500 m depths in a borehole close to the fault associated with the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Island Arc, 10, 261-265.

(11) 2001; Arai, T., T.Okusawa, and H.Tsukahara (2001), Behavior of gases in the fault zone revealed by the chemical composition and carbon isotope ratio of gases extracted from DPRI 1800m drilling core specimens at the Nojima fault, Island Arc, 10, 430-438.

(12) 1999,1,塚原弘昭・奥沢保・新井崇史,断層内流体相の解明,月刊地球,21巻1号,55-58.

(13) 1999, 10,塚原弘昭,日本列島の現在の地殻応力場,月刊地球,21巻10号,660-666.

(14) 1998.7, 清水直哉・塚原弘昭・古舘友通・吉田則夫,長野市松代地域における炭酸ガスの湧出量と地殻変動,地震,51,41-50.

(15) 1998.4,田中秀美・塚原弘昭・他24人,地表から震源深度に至る断層内物質の物質分布および物質収支の実証,月刊地球,号外21,150-155.

(16) 1998.4,塚原弘昭・池田隆司・山本清彦,野島断層近傍の深度1500mの地殻応力.月刊地球,号外21,66-69.

(17) 1998.4,新井崇史・奥沢保・塚原弘昭,野島断層小倉1800m孔ボーリングコアから抽出したガスの化学成分および炭素同位体比から推定した断層帯中のガスの挙動.月刊地球,号外21,165-170.

(18) 1998.3,飯尾能久・塚原弘昭・他48人,地殻の塑性変形の時空間的変化の検出と地震発生予測,月刊地球,号外20,89-93.

(19) 1996.3,公文富士夫・塚原弘昭・大塚勉,中部山岳地域の地殻活動と物質循環,科学研究費「特定研究:中部山岳地域の地殻活動と物質循環」報告書(研究代表者:塚原弘昭)第3章活断層と地震(共著),47ー77.

(20) 1996.2,Tsukahara, H., R. Ikeda and K. Omura,Drilling into a shallow earthquake swarm area - stress distribution, fracture zones and logging data, Proc. 8th International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, 189ー193.

(21) 1996.2,Ikeda R., K. Omura, Y. Iio and H. Tsukahara, Scientific drilling and in-situ stresses in active fault zones at Neodani, Central Japan, Proc. 8th International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling,30-35.

(22) 1996, Ukawa, M and H. Tsukahara, Earthquake swarms and dike intrusions off the east coast of Izu Peninsula, central Japan. Tectonophysics, 253, 285-303.

(23) 1996, Tsukahara, H., R. Ikeda and K. Omura, In-situ stress measurement in an earthquake focal area, Tectonophysics, 262, 281-290.

(24) 1995.4,池田隆司・塚原弘昭・小村健太朗,震源域と活断層へのドリリング,地質ニュース,488号,37ー42.

(25) 1995.11,塚原弘昭,活断層,地球科学,49巻6号,439ー440.

(26) 1991; 塚原弘昭・池田隆司(1991)本州中央部の地殻応力方位分布−応力区とその成因−地質学雑誌,97, p461ーp474.

(27) 1991; 塚原弘昭・小林洋二(1991)中・西部日本の地殻応力,地震,44, p221ーp231.

(28) 1991; Yoshida N. and H. Tsukahara (1991)14C/12C and 13C/12C in the shell of Clyptogena Soyae from the subduction zone Sagami Bay and upwelling fluid on the seafloor Jour. Phys. Earth, 39, p619ーp629.

(29) 1991; Yoshida N. and H. Tsukahara (1991)Gamma-ray spectral survey and 14C measurements on the biological communities at the subduction zone Sagami Trough using the submersible "SHINKAI 2000" Jour. Phys. Earth, 39, p255ーp266.


(1) 飯田汲事・塚原弘昭・熊沢峰夫・小林洋二・鈴木功・笠原順三(1971)高温高圧下における岩石の超低速度変形,材料,20巻,p179ーp184.

(2) Kasahara, J. and H. Tsukahara(1971)Experimental measurements of reaction rate at the phase change of nickel olivine to nickel spinel, Jour. Phys. Earth, 20, p79ーp88.

(3) Tsukahara, H., (1974) Evaluation of effects of partial pressure of H2O on power law creep for ultrabasic rocks, Jour. Phys. Earth, 22, p343ーp358.

(4) (1976) Diffusion and diffusion creep in olivine and ultrabasic rocks, Jour. Phys. Earth, 24, p89ーp103.

(5) Tsukahara, H., T.Yamazaki, and I.Ohno (1976) Preferred lattice orientation produced by deformation in natural olivine aggregate and synthetic fayalite under stress, J. Geol. Soc. Japan, 82, p713ーp727

(6) Tsukahara, H. and T.Yamazaki (1976) Preferred lattice orientation in partially melted fayalite aggregate at high pressure, J. Geol. Soc. Japan, 82, p751ーp756.

(7) 塚原弘昭・池田隆司・佐竹洋・大竹政和・高橋博 (1978) 静岡県岡部町における水圧破壊法による地殻応力の測定,地震,31,p415ーp433.

(8) 池田隆司・塚原弘昭・佐竹洋・大竹政和・高橋博(1978)岩盤の水圧破壊に伴う微小破壊音の観測,地震,31,p435ーp444.

(9) Tsukahara, H. (1980) Physical conditions for double seismic planes of deep seismic zone, Jour. Phys. Earth, 28, p1ーp15.

(10) Zoback,M.D., Tsukahara,H. and Hickmann,S (1980) Stress measurements at depth in the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault, Imprications for the magnitude of shear stress at depth, Jour. Geophys. Res., 85, p6157ーp6173.

(11) 塚原弘昭,池田隆司,高橋博(1983)水圧破壊法による地殻応力測定−静岡県岡部町・修善寺町・下田市・神奈川県横須賀市での測定,地震,36,p551ーp569.

(12) Tsukahara, H. and R.Ikeda (1987) Hydraulic fracturing stress measurements and in-situ stress field in the Kanto-Tokai area, Japan, Tectonophysics, 135, p329ーp345.

(13) 塚原弘昭,池田隆司(1989)地殻応力測定値から推定した堆積岩岩盤中の応力状態,地質学雑誌,95,p571ーp578.

(14) Ikeda R. and H.Tsukahara (1989) Hydraulic fracturing technique-pore pressure effect and stress heterogeneity-, Inter. Jour. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 26, p471ーp475.

(B) 著書(単行本)

(1) 「固体の流動」上田誠也編,東海大学出版会,1974.

(2) "Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements" eds. M.D.Zoback and B.C.Haimson, National Academy Press, Washington, 1983.
(i) Tsukahara H. and R.Ikeda, Stress measurements utilizing the hydraulic fracturing technique in the Kanto-Tokai area, Japan, p18-p27.
(ii) Ikeda R. and H.Tsukahara, Acoustic emissions detected by hydrophones during hydraulic fracturing stress measurement, p210-p214.

(3) "Earthquake Prediction" Unesco, Terra Scientific Pub. Co., 1984.
分担執筆:Tsukahara H., R.Ikeda, H.Satake, M.Ohtake and H.Takahashi, In-situ stress measurements by hydrofracturing in Japan, p439-p449.

(4) "Observation of the Continental Crust through Drilling I"ed. C. B. Raleigh, Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1985.
分担執筆:Tsukahara H., Deep-borehole techniques for continuous monitoring of crustal activity, and in-situ stress measurement in Japan, p141-p152.

(5) 「大地が語る信州の四億年」酒井潤一・塚原弘昭・福島和夫編,郷土出版社,1994.
分担執筆:第五章 善光寺地震はまた起こるかー地震の正体をさぐるー,p95-p114.

(6) 「地球環境変動の科学」,古今書院,1998.
分担執筆:塚原弘昭・河合崇欣・斉藤清次,第2章 ボーリングによる試料採取ー過去の記録を引き出すー,p57-p69.

(7) 「地震と防災(糸魚川−静岡構造線)」塚原弘昭編著,信濃毎日新聞社,2002.
第2章 有史以降の糸ム静線周辺の自身履歴書,p31-p45.
第3章 活断層の過去を調べる,p47-p68.

(8) 「善光寺地震から学ぶ」赤羽貞幸・北原糸子編著,信濃毎日新聞社,2003.
分担執筆:第2章 善光寺地震はどのようにして発生したか,p35-p47.

(9) "Long Continental Records from Lake Baikal" ed. K.Kashiwaya, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
分担執筆: K.Kashiwaya, S.Ochiai, H.Tsukahara, H.Sakai, and T.Kawai, Long-term Late Cenozoic global environmental changes inferred from Lake Baikal sediments, 3-19.

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